
Information Skills Tutorials for Year 1 & Extended Year

As promised at Induction we are running Information Skills Tutorials to help you find high quality chiropractic / medical information.

We will hold sessions on the following dates:

Wednesday 21st October 2pm & 3pm

Tuesday 27th October 2pm & 3pm

Wednesday 28th October 2pm & 3pm

These will be 1 hour sessions and we will meet in the Cal Lab (Old Clinic). There is a limit of 10 places per session. If you would like to attend one of these, please sign up at the library desk.

If you can't make these dates and would like a tutorial please let us know and we will arrange a separate one for you.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Interested in Social Bookmarking?

Would you like to:

* save your bookmarks and access them on the Web wherever you go?

* share your bookmarks with your friends, colleagues and peers?

* find your bookmarks easily with a keyword search using a simple tagging system?

* see which bookmarks your friends, peers and colleagues find useful?

Then watch this excellent tutorial - it will help you get started http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x66lV7GOcNU. The tutorial is created by http://www.commoncraft.com/.

Although there are several Social Bookmarking sites on the Internet that will allow you to do this the tutorial focuses on http://delicious.com/


Updates to the Virtual Training Suite from Intute

We would like to advise you of updates to the Virtual Training Suite from Intute, which offers free tutorials on use of the Web for education and research. The tutorials focus on academic resources online and provide guidance on critically evaluating material found on the Web. Aimed at students, there are 62 tutorials, covering most degree subjects, and produced by subject specialists from universities across the UK. This year the content and design of about half of the tutorials have been completely overhauled.

Tutorials of relevance to medicine include:

* Internet for Medicine

* Internet for Nursing
* Internet for Midwifery
* Internet for Health and Social Care
* Internet for Microbiology

The changes to the tutorials reflect Internet developments (in particular the impact of Web 2.0 technologies in higher education), academic Web trends, and extensive user feedback.

The new design makes the tutorials shorter and easier to read online. Interactive features include quizzes, practical exercises, and a 'links basket' functionality which allows the user to keep a record of all websites mentioned in the tutorial. Each tutorial takes around one hour to complete, but students can work through the material at their own pace.